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Acts in Africa

John & Glenna Peterson
P.O. Box 1089
Mwanza, Tanzania
East Africa

August 30, 2009
Dear Friends and Family,
The last few months have been full ones, with a variety of events, and the time has passed quickly. Our home assignment has been a combination of updating supporters of our work as well as ministering to family members.
As we mentioned in our last newsletter, we were called home a bit early due to John's mother's health. God was once again faithful in answering our prayer, giving us some quality time with her before she passed away on June 30th. A wonderful memorial service was held to celebrate her life and we were blessed by the tributes that were offered on her behalf. We thank you, also, for your prayers and support during this time. The faith that we have in the Lord makes it so much easier to accept death, for as Paul wrote in 1Thes. 4:13, "…we do not want you … to grieve like the rest of men that have no hope."
We have had the opportunity to speak to pastors, mission committees, as well as to several churches in both Canada and the U.S. giving an update on our work in Tanzania. It has been exciting for us to tell how God has been opening doors and leading us step by step to share His Word in various ways in Africa. Although our need for financial support remains, we have been blessed to have received new opportunities to share, offering the chance of partnership in the ministry with others. Through your faithful prayers and donations, we work together to fulfill the Great Commission to take the good news into all the world.
During our absence from Tanzania, we have heard good reports of how the work has been progressing. Although the new Bugando Hill Church has some finishing yet to be done, the congregation has now started holding services there and new people are attending weekly. As well, a nursery school has been opened in the new church as an outreach to the community. It began with 12 students and now has quadrupled in size and offers not only teaching but "tea" (breakfast) to the children as well.
During our time at home, we have become aware of the individual needs of some of our own family members. We have endeavoured to minister to them as we have had opportunity. With the loss of loved ones and aging parents, on their own, as well as other family concerns, it makes returning to Africa a little more of a challenge - however, that is where our work is and we believe that the Lord would have us continue there.
Although our home assignment began on a sad note, we anticipate it ending on a happy one - Glenna's son, Ian, will be getting married on September 12th! We look forward to celebrating with Ian and Sharon before returning to Tanzania in early October.
As we look forward to another term of ministry, it is exciting to anticipate what God has in store for us. As Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For surely I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future with hope."
In His service,
John and Glenna Peterson

In Canada:
Global Outreach Mission
Box 1210
St Catherines, ON  L2R 7A7
In the US:
QC Ministries
12314 Corter Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA  22407

The Peterson's in Africa