October 11, 2006 |
Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from this side of the Atlantic! We arrived back in Canada on September 27th to begin our "home assignment"
of reporting on the past two years, sharing what is happening in our lives in Tanzania and also the vision God has given us for
our continued ministry. We expect to be visiting churches both in Canada and the U.S. over the next three months before
returning to our home and work in Tanzania. (We also have a new postal and email address, although the previous ones
will still reach us.)
Due to our new "partnership", we have chosen a new name for our newsletter. We chose that title because we sensed the
Holy Spirit moving in Africa, much as He did in the days of the early church in the book of Acts. Where there is great
adversity, there is the potential for even greater spirituality and we are excited to be used by the Lord at such a time as this.
Many of the experiences we've had remind us so much of the apostles and their missionary journeys.
Following our marriage in June, we returned to have a great two months back in Tanzania, settling into our new home and new roles.
We did our first mission trip together in the later part of August. It was a quite an experience! Travelling
with Pastor James Rwegasila, we drove to the town of Bukoba on the west side of Lake Victoria. The roads were very
rough and our car suffered, but we were thankful that the Lord had provided us with a good and experienced driver from our church
in Mwanza. We journeyed to villages beyond Bukoba initially - visiting the home of Pastor James and also another of
Paschal, our watchman. Paschal had not been home in over 10 years, prior to accepting Christ as his saviour, so it was
a joyous reunion for them and wonderful to witness. Paschal stayed with his family for several days, having a chance
to witness to them and lead several to the Lord. Meanwhile Pastor James, our guide and interpreter, joined us in
conducting our first seminar series in the town of Bukoba. Glenna spoke in two of the sessions on the love of God as
well as maintaining good spiritual habits to keep a vibrant relationship with Christ, while John and James spoke on surrendering
your life completely to God and running with the vision He gives you. Despite John struggling with a stomach ailment
and Glenna with a sore back, the Lord blessed us richly!! Several pastors from various denominations attended the
meetings and the people seemed very encouraged with the teachings and asked us to come back as soon as God allows.
Since rarely do church leaders, let alone white missionaries, venture into some of these places they are so grateful when someone
does agree to come. Many were challenged by what was said and recommitted their lives to the Lord.
The church in Mwanza continues to grow, overflowing its small timber sanctuary every week. Two weeks before we left
for Canada, we were privileged to witness the baptism of 24 new believers in Lake Victoria. Being from the west, we
are always humbled to see the commitment and sacrifice that many make to follow the Lord.
It is exciting to be involved in the work God has called us to and we feel very privileged to be able to serve Him in Tanzania.
The needs are great and the opportunities bountiful and so, although we enjoy our time at home in North America, we look forward
to returning to our home overseas. We have much to do here though, in the next few months. We appreciate
your prayers as we travel and speak, sharing what God has done, is doing and the work ahead, and as we endeavour to reach our
necessary goal for financial support.
Your prayer and financial support makes our service for the Lord in Tanzania all possible and brings life and hope to many.
Thank you so much.
In Christian love,
John and Glenna Peterson