God has blessed Promised Land in amazing ways since her inception. As a body of believers we have shared
blessings, healings, and every-day ups and downs, as well as spectacular joys, momentous occasions, even life-changing
catastrophes. We know that through these experiences we are, in the words of one of our favorite songs,
Learning to Lean completely on Jesus. The following sermons are posted here in order to share the lessons
we are learning with all who have an ear to hear. To God be the Glory!
Check back later for more sermons.
These audio files are encoded with MP3 compression, however some are quite large for downloading over
a dial-up internet connection. Segmented files are provided for the convenience of dial-up users who may
choose to download the sermons in smaller pieces.
Depending on your browser configuration, it may be possible to right-click or left-click on the filename and immediately play/open
the file or save/download the file for playing later.
These sermons may be freely downloaded for personal use, but are copyrighted by Quintessentially Christ, Inc., which retains all ownership
and distribution rights.
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